Living a Life of Purpose

By Pastor Henry

So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. _Psalm 90:12

We must live with purpose to make the days of our lives count for something. I cannot live for today if I think I will always have the time; knowing that my days are numbered, and running out upon the earth, I live with purpose and wisdom and utilizing every time. God works with numbers a lot, and as He knows the number of hairs on my head, so does He the number of my days. Oh Father, make us know the number of our days!

…the evening and the morning were the first day…second day…third day…_Genesis 1:5, 8, 13.
…the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early… _John 20:1, Luke 24:1.
These examples and numerous others show that God puts importance in days and numbers. It is true of many of us, if not all, that the longer we live we realize that many things that are not that important take our energy and time. We seem to learn over time to refuse the things that are a waste yet didn’t appear so prior.

The 4 categories of people that must learn to count their days and have a heart of wisdom;
1.     Young people (ages 13-21)
We have all, or will go through this time in our life when we think we have all the time in the world. Truly, there isn’t much time, even as young as this. Instead, get mentors in this time and submit under leadership, using every opportunity to learn wisely. May we number our days of youth and youthful energy.

2.     People with work.
For those of us in this category, remember that good job will not last forever. We must learn to tithe, to give, we must get financial wisdom, be generous, save and therefore make the opportunities in the work place count.

3.     People going through challenges.
We all fall in this category at one point or another in our lives. We must remember that trials don’t last forever. Psalm 30:5, James 1:2. Desist from complaining in times of trouble and trust in the Lord for deliverance.

4.     The whole Church
2nd Corinthians 4:16. We must continually grow spiritually as Christians. Our great focus should be to win souls to the kingdom of God. Ephesians 5:16. May I live circumspectly and wisely, redeeming the time.
And so, beloved, what are you doing with your time? Who are you giving your energy to? Are you giving it to gossipers, or to people building you? Are you counting the days?