
When you invite special guests to your home, do you warm up the leftovers in the refrigerator and serve the on paper plates in front of the TV? Of course not. Most of us prepare a special meal, use our best dishes and arrange our schedules so that we can spend quality time with our guests. In other words, we offer them our very best.

How many of us invite the Lord Jesus into our life and then serve him “leftovers”? We give him Time “leftover” from our work, our families or our recreation. We give Him talents “leftover” from our social organizations, our sports activities or our Hobbies. We give money “leftover” after we pay our bills and our taxes and put some money aside for vacation.

“Out of all the gifts you receive you shall set aside the contributions to the Lord; and the gift which you hallow must be taken from the choicest of the” (Num 18:29)
Have you given to the lord who died for you the choicest, or have you given Him “leftovers”