40 days of Community

It all began with a push for life groups, a need to get back to where our fore fathers of faith in Acts began, meeting in homes caring and loving one another.

There was a huge number of the congregation who signed up to join these already established life groups. Homes were opened up as the excitement brewed through the  church.

In the life groups, we have been going through the better together book by Rick Waren and evidently from the testimonies God has been doing great things through these home cells.

To crown it all up, this Sunday is Celebration Sunday as we celebrate and thank God for 40 days journey in the life groups.

The different life groups were encouraged to do a community outreach and the sight of these people passionate in their community cleaning drainage's, garbage’s, sweeping the roads, cleaning the wells explains all that is in their heart.

Remember we do it better when we do it together.

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate with lots of praise and worship,the Word, food and join a ministry.

Have a blessed day.
