Cell Revolution

This month is exciting here at VCC Ntinda with an emphasis on building disciples. We give glory to God that we had a great drama outreach with a number of people giving their lives to God.
The after math of this outreach is to build disciples through starting up life groups which are home based fellowships. When we look at the way the early church operated, it was the church in the community through homes.
We are launching back into this month starting up home fellowships in the different areas that surround us to be effective in the community. We are tired of just being comfortable in the four walls of the church but to cause an impact in the community. We are challenging every member to either open up their homes or lead a home life group.
In the life groups we are planning a couple of activities to boost the life groups that range from a 40 day spiritual growth campaign in which we will be looking at the ‘Better together book’ by Rick Warren to organizing a  community outreach in that community like sweeping the market, sweeping the streets, cleaning the wells etc. 
Wow, that’s some thing to get excited about and jump into… reflecting and shining Christ to our communities.
The bible tells us to let our lights shine…. That men might see our good deeds and so praise our father in heaven.  Mathew 5:16
Are we shining? Are people in our communities seeing the good deeds? What good deeds have you done lately that provoked the people around you to give glory to God? 
Jump into build month, here at VCC Ntinda.
Have a blessed day,