Better Together

As we launch deeper into the build season, we are beginning a 40day spiritual campaign dabbed ‘Better together spiritual growth campaign.’ In this 40 day journey, we will ride as a church through the five purposes together.

1)      To get to know and worship Him. (Worship)
2)      To learn to love each other. (Fellowship)
3)      To grow in becoming like Jesus. (Discipleship)
4)      To practice in using our talents. (Ministry)
5)      To share the good news with other’s. (Evangelism)

In this season we are emphasizing and rebirthing life group home fellowships. In these fellowships, we will go through the better together book by Rick warren. 

For the next 40 days we are encouraging the church to get involved in these home cells (Life groups) and get to know one another. The church ought not to be a beautiful building but children of God spreading the love of God in the community around them.

 The church is not the building; it is the people who have trusted in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. On a Monday morning, the church goes to work, school, the garden, the shops, malls, taxis, the streets etc.
Are we shinning Christ in the community around us?

We do it better when we do it together.

Get ready for this great journey as we do it better together. 

Have a blessed day.