Whats coming...

The book of Daniel.

Starting July 1st, we will be bisecting the book of Daniel, as we look at the prophecies that Daniel prophesied and its relevancy to us today. You would not like to miss these sermon series as Ps Darryl unveils the mysteries that God has revealed to him.

The Prince of Egypt Drama outreach.

Drama is a very effective outreach tool that we here at VCC have learnt to make use of. This Month come June 24th and 25th, we will be reaching out to the community with this exciting drama about the life of Moses and how he was used by God  to deliver the Israelites from bondage.

Life Group Revolution.

 The early church was a family. they loved one another and met in homes. The church today ought to go back to same passion that the early church began with. the care, the Love and the fellowship. Here at VCC, we have that vision of reaching out to the community through home cells. Hey there's a  Revolution that is breaking free this season. Join us on Sundays for the life group training at 9:00am.

Elevate class

What do we believe? what is VCC about? what is our vision? how do i become a member? want answers to  all the questions you may have about VCC, join us every sunday at 9:00am for this class as we reveal to you what VCC is all about.

have a blessed day
