If you have been attending our Monthly Men’s Breakfast, you will agree with me that your life is transformed. For the rest who may be wondering what I am talking about, we have been going through a book maximized manhood by Edwin Louise Cole.

This book has helped realize my role as a man. I have a great role that God has given me. At one point he talks of us as being priests in the home, talks about how to handle and deal with the sin in our lives not just calling them problems, being an active father, being tender and tough  etc.

Am not yet married but I know my wife will really be glad she has a man like me because of the different lesson I have learnt with the interactive sessions we always have during the breakfasts. We have gone through all the 15 chapters and are heading to a new book.

At VCC we are blessed that such information is availed to us and Pastor Darryl is committed to dicipling the fathers of today.  I often hear a saying that this is a fatherless generation but the vice is changing. I will not be like my father because I know better now. Please do not despise the opportunity that God has availed to us… just commit only 1 hour and a half every first Saturday of the month.

If you are a man, these breakfast are so resourceful, they will help you become a better man just as Edwin says being fully maximized manhood. We have them every first Saturday of the month here at VCC Ntinda at the Teen challenge restaurant from 7:30am.

Hoping to see you next Saturday 3rd June as we have fellowship together with other men as we talk about men’s stuff.

God bless
