Greetings beloved of the Lord,

Here at VCC Ntinda, we hope and believe that God is continuosly doing a great work in your heart everyday.

We were blessed last evening during our 3 days of the monthly prayer and fasting to have  a wonderful preacher, missionary come and share with us God's word. The simplicity in the way he shared gave great light to the truth he communicated.

He shared from the book of  Hosea 10:12.
Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

He began by emphasising the need to sow the right thoughts in our minds, what ever we sow in our minds always will reap a harvest, good or bad. He caustioned us on the type of things we watch over the Television and spend our time on and encouraged us to spend more time with God in his word and in prayer.

He then also talked of breaking up our fallow grounds which he related to the heart. He stressed that if we donot allow God to deal with our hearts then the fruit of it would be otherwise. we looked at many sins that we harbor in the heart like pride, lust, greed, selfishness etc. He stressed that God can do a good work in us.

The last point he shared was that its time to seek God UNTIL he rains righteousness upon us. He gave a prophetic word that God had given him a couple of days ago in a vision where he saw rivers flowing from the map of uganda to all the nations of the world. It is time to seek God and get right with him.

We concluded the session with a heart lifting time of breaking up our fallow hearts, people were given the opportunity to get right with God and pour out their hearts to God concerning the issues that wrer shared.

I personally was blessed, bareing in mind that this past week i just for whatever reason was feeling so low but that service geared me to the next level and am back whole heartedly for God.

Join us every Thurdays for a great time of entering the holy of holies as we love and seek God from 5:00pm. we have started  anew bible class series SAMSON so plan to attend those classes on the same days at 7:00pm.

May God lead you today to all great things he has in store for you.

Love you
